Drainage works around Berkhamsted Castle
For some years there has been a regular flooding problem at the end of Bridgewater Road (by the mini roundabout near Berkhamsted station car park entrance). When there is heavy rain, water runs down the hill along Bridgewater Road and collects at the bottom by the mini roundabout.
Hertfordshire County Council has been given permission by Historic England for that water to be channelled into the Castle’s outer moat. However, this will need to pass first through a new filtration system, which will be constructed in the grass verge at the end of Bridgewater Road. To provide sufficient run-off capacity in the outer moat for the water, a substantial quantity of existing silt will be removed, actually restoring the area back to the original cut depth of the moat. This will be done under the supervision of Museum of London Archaeology, and with amphibian specialists making sure the Castle’s Great Crested Newt population is not adversely affected. It is hoped that this will improve the overall appearance and ecology of the Castle’s outer moat.
Unfortunately, this does mean that there will be major disruption in the area around the Castle throughout January. As part of these works, the road in front of the Castle (White Hill) will be closed to traffic from 2nd January for four weeks, for the entire length between the two bridges (i.e. between the station bridge and the Crystal Palace bridge – see map). The parking spaces along White Hill will also be suspended.
Roadworks link: