Berkhamsted Castle | Leave a Legacy

Berkhamsted Castle

Leave a Legacy

Around three quarters of the UK population donate to a charity during their lifetime. But only around 7% leave a gift in their Will. A legacy gift, however large or small, will make a huge difference to Berkhamsted Castle Trust, and help us to protect the Castle for generations to come.

We understand that when it comes to your Will, your family and loved ones must come first. But once you have provided for them, could you leave your mark on the nation’s history by supporting us? It costs nothing during a lifetime but will have a powerful impact in the future, and is one of the most valuable and lasting ways to support us.

There are a number of ways in which you can arrange to leave a legacy:

  • Residuary Bequest
    This is a gift of the residue of your estate or share of the residue, after other bequests to your family and friends have been made and all debts, taxes and expenses have been paid. If you have already made a Will, but want to add a residuary gift to Berkhamsted Castle Trust, your solicitor can advise you on how you can do this without affecting the specific gifts you leave your family and friends. Also, inflation will not erode the value of residuary gifts over the years.
  • Pecuniary Bequest
    This is a specified sum of money determined when the Will is written and is known as a pecuniary bequest. The value of pecuniary legacies will decrease over time due to inflation and increases in the cost of living. You can provide that a specific amount (for example, £1,000) will pass to Berkhamsted Castle Trust.
  • Specific Bequest
    This is where a particular item of value is bequeathed, such as stocks and shares, proceeds of a Life Assurance Policy, property, furniture, jewellery, buildings and land.

How do I leave a legacy in my will?

Please consult your solicitor for advice on the most appropriate way for you to leave a gift to Berkhamsted Castle Trust in your Will. Please let your solicitor know that Berkhamsted Castle Trust is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation and registered charity (England and Wales) number 1176286.

What if I already have a Will?

Your solicitor can add Berkhamsted Castle Trust as an extra beneficiary.

Your pledge to Berkhamsted Castle Trust

If you decide to leave a gift in your Will to Berkhamsted Castle Trust then we would love to hear from you so that we can say thank you and keep you up to date with our work. We can also keep you informed of any upcoming events that may be of interest to you or even set up a meeting if you would like. There is no obligation to share this information with us, but if you would like to we can assure you it will be held in the strictest confidence and it is not a binding commitment.

Thank you.


 Opening hours

Daily 10:00—16:00
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Berkhamsted Castle Trust

Berkhamsted Castle Trust manages the Berkhamsted Castle site in partnership with English Heritage under a Local Management Agreement. Our volunteers rely on the generosity of the public.
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