The feasibility study discusses a number of ways of enhancing the wider landscape around the Castle, including linking it with a series of walking and cycling routes. There are also potential opportunities to develop historic gateways, viewpoints, SANGs (subject to approval) and wildlife habitats in the ancient deer park.
These artist’s impressions below show us how the public realm could be enhanced to make the approach to the Castle much more inviting and informative, with improved access from Berkhamsted Railway Station and across New Road to connect with public footpaths.
These visualisations are only illustrations of what could be achieved, and have not been approved or funded.
Sketch View - Arrival at Train Station
Visitors exit Berkhamsted railway station via the north exit and are guided along a welcoming, dedicated pedestrian route towards the Castle entrance. This illustration shows:
- Shared surface
- Adapted community garden with seating and planting
- Trees enhancing the setting and leading pedestrians to the main entrance
- Permanent interpretation boards along the route
- Dedicated route (left) to Hill Farm SANG
Sketch View - Main Entrance to Railway Station
In this illustration, looking back from the Castle entrance to the station, we see:
- Dedicated parking bays (left)
- Shared surface
- Community garden
- Pedestrian route to the entrance
- Seating and planting
- Trees enhancing the setting
- Permanent interpretation boards
NOTE: Exact layout of planting to be designed in consultation with the Friends of Berkhamsted Station group
Sketch View - Traffic Calming along New Road
This view shows possible enhancements to the public realm around New Road, on the east side of the Castle:
- Direct link to BCT Field and wider countryside
- Planting improves pedestrian environment
- Dedicated parking bays
- Narrowed highway with change in road surface
- Raised table with paved surface to slow traffic
- Interpretation board