Berkhamsted Castle | Public Consultation

Berkhamsted Castle

Public Consultation

clickable area map

The Study Area to the north of Berkhamsted

In 2024, Berkhamsted Castle Trust started to explore opportunities to enhance this area and its links with Berkhamsted Castle.

How can we bring out the story of the landscape, and celebrate the rich historic and cultural heritage of the deer park? Can we enhance the public realm around Berkhamsted Castle?

Ideas and aspirations

Today, Berkhamsted’s former deer park is divided into many privately owned fields, but we have been looking into possible ways to mark this historical boundary along the existing public footpaths and enhance the visitor experience in the area around the Castle. We looked at similar projects at other sites around the UK for inspiration.

We recognise that some ideas are aspirational, given that the landscape beyond Berkhamsted Castle has multiple owners, and there are varying site considerations and constraints. The ideas shown below have not been agreed or funded, but offered a starting point for the public consultation.

Examples of potential opportunities

  • historic site interpretation board
    Potential historic site or point of interest
  • sculpture and seating
    Potential enhanced arrival experience
  • landscape interpretation board
    Potential viewpoint interpretation
  • wooden signpost
    Potential consolidated and improved wayfinding

Similar examples from elsewhere

  • bench and interpretation
    Dartington Hall, South Devon
  • joggers on paths in a park
    Sowerby Park and Sports Village, North Yorkshire
  • paths and picnic area in grassed area
    Bucklers Forest, Crowthorne, Berkshire


Key objectives

The key objectives for the project are:

  • Protection: Raising the profile of Berkhamsted Castle and securing its future
  • Public access: Providing additional and alternative publicly accessible green space in Berkhamsted whilst steering movement away from the Special Area of Conservation at Ashridge Estate
  • Outdoor provision: Rationalising and improving access, signage and existing furniture
  • Education: Promoting the site’s history including its use as a former deer park
  • Engagement: Working with land owners, key stakeholders and members of the public to understand the feasibility of the park

Talking to Berkhamsted

castle trust market stall

In early 2024, we ran a public consultation with award-winning environmental consultancy Land Use Consultants (LUC).  This consultation included an online survey, a public engagement stall on Berkhamsted High Street Market, a gazebo in the Castle grounds, with information boards, maps and flyers, and various communications on social media.

The online survey has now closed, but if you are welcome to get touch with and comments or questions:

Contact us


The public consultation was an incredibly valuable exercise. The enthusiastic response showed us that people really cherish the Castle as a local landmark, and we gathered an abundance of constructive views. This has helped us to develop our proposals further put together a detailed Feasibility Study, setting out and assessing the various options.


Related documents


 Opening hours

Daily 10:00—16:00
Closed now Open tomorrow at 10:00

Berkhamsted Castle Trust

Berkhamsted Castle Trust manages the Berkhamsted Castle site in partnership with English Heritage under a Local Management Agreement. Our volunteers rely on the generosity of the public.
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